Friday, January 23, 2009

Please allow me to introduce myself...

Good mornin' to you all!

All this technology/computer shit is a bit overwhelming to me with facebook, twitter, and blogging, having to post this, blog that, tweet here. Shit, I can't keep up with the times! One could say I am outta style. Hell, I have never been in style! Unless, you consider someone who regularly wears blue jeans and a white t-shirt in style. My opinion on all this technology/computer stuff can be summed up best by Mr. Merle Haggard, "I wish a buck was still silver." If you are wonderin', "Who in the H -E - Double Hockey Sticks (translation, L - L) is Merle Haggard?" then I highly suggest you google him, I will leave it at that. A wise man once said to me, "Simple, is better." I am your garden variety family, beer, sports, and good ol' cosmic rock n' roll, shit-kickin', boot-in-your-ass country music kind of a dude. In summary, I am a simple guy.

Rules of Engagement of "My" blog:

My blog is, just that, my blog. I will be honest in my thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. Hence, the name of my blog, "As I See It." This means I'm not gonna sugar coat shit, love it or leave it. I do however, welcome all others to express their comments and opinions. We all are entitled to our own thoughts and opinions and it is our differences that help distinguish us as individuals.

I believe in "The Golden Rule," "Treat others the way you want others to treat you." I have never encountered a single person who wanted to be treated like shit. I make a conscious effort to treat all people with courtesy, dignity, and respect. On occasions, I do fall short of this, as I am human. If you leave my blog and never return, please leave with "The Golden Rule." If you make a conscious effort to live your life in accordance with the wisdom of "The Golden Rule," your life will be better because of it and so shall the lives of all others you encounter.

Oh yeah, by the way... I'm Black Crowe. May peace be with you all...

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